FaxPress WebHelp: Email Gateways Guide > Lotus Notes Environments > Configuring the Lotus Note Gateway

Configuring the Lotus Notes Gateway

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The Lotus Notes Gateway must be configured with some basic information and be started as a service (see Starting the Lotus Notes Gateway Service) in order to function.

To configure the Notes Gateway for basic operation you must:

specify the FaxPress server or servers to be used
map the FaxPress user names to the Notes email names

After setting these basic parameters, you may also set additional Gateway parameters as necessary (see Additional Lotus Notes Gateway Configuration Options).

Basic Configuration

To configure the Gateway for basic operation, follow these steps:

1. Open the FaxPress Lotus Notes Gateway Configuration Manager by going to Start>Programs>FaxPress>Add On Products>Lotus Notes Gateway>Configuration Manager. By default, the Email Gateway Configurator opens with the FaxPress Tab selected.

2. With the FaxPress tab selected, click the Add button.

At this point in the setup, the activity icon in the lower right corner will indicate that the Gateway is currently inactive. The Lotus Notes Gateway will become active once the Lotus Notes Gateway service is started.

3. The Select a FaxPress Server screen displays the FaxPress servers configured on your network.

4. Select one of the servers in the list. In the Supervisor and Supervisor Password fields, enter the name and password of a FaxPress user with supervisor privileges on this FaxPress server. It is a good idea to create an account on the FaxPress specifically for Lotus Notes Gateway administration. Click OK.
5. Select the User Map tab in the Gateway Configuration screen, then click Add.

6. In the FaxPress User To Email Address Map screen, select a name from FaxPress User Name list to identify with a name from the Lotus Notes Email Address list, then click OK.

7. Confirm the FaxPress User is mapped to the correct Lotus Notes Email Address. Repeat for each additional user. Add an UNADDRESSED user as shown below, since the UNADDRESSED mailbox receives all inbound faxes until either automatic routing or user mapping is established. Once the User Map list is complete, be sure to start the Lotus Notes Gateway service before trying to send and receive faxes.

Starting the Lotus Notes Gateway Service

The Lotus Notes Gateway service must be running for users to send and receive faxes. You may either start the service manually from your Control Panel, or restart the workstation to activate the service.

To start the service, follow these steps:

1. Go to Start> Settings>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services>FaxPress Lotus Notes Gateway.
2. Select the Lotus Notes Gateway Service and click the Start icon.

3. After activating the service, send, receive and print a test fax to confirm the Gateway is functioning properly.

Additional Lotus Notes Gateway Configuration Options

The FaxPress Lotus Notes Gateway Configuration utility provides a convenient way to customize additional faxing parameters.

The Fax tab allows you to configure Incoming, Outgoing, and Unadressed Fax settings, as well as specify the Fax Attachments Format, and enable or disable Auto Registration.

Incoming Faxes

Enable Incoming Faxes Notification - must be checked for incoming faxes to appear as Notes messages.

Attach Incoming Faxes to Notification Messages - must be checked for incoming faxes to appear as files attached to incoming Notes messages.

Delete Incoming Faxes after Delivery - if checked, faxes will be detected from the FaxPress server after delivery.

Process _ Incoming Faxes per Interval - specify the maximum number of faxes to process during each polling interval.

Unaddressed Faxes

Do Not Retrieve - Disable the Lotus client notification feature. If selected, the Email Gateway will not notify you of new Un-Addressed faxes received by the FaxPress server.

Forward to - specify a recipient for all Un-Addressed faxes.

Outgoing Faxes

Enable Outgoing Faxes - must be checked to allow sending.

Process _ Outgoing Faxes per Interval - specify the maximum number of faxes to process during polling interval.

If the fax succeeds, notify the sender by email - check to have success notifications sent to sender.

Fax Attachment Format

TIF File - the default fax attachment format.

PDF – optional fax attachment format. The Gateway’s PDF format is an image file only. This means the content will not be searchable.

DCX File - optional fax attachment format.

Auto Registration

Enable Auto Registration - Auto Registration allows a new FaxPress account to be automatically created the first time a Notes user sends a fax.

DTMF Base - specify the DTMF tone base.

The Mail tab displays the Lotus Notes Account Username and Account Password entered during setup. The polling interval displays, in seconds, the interval the FaxPress server waits between logging onto the Domino server and checking for new faxes.

The Trace tab allows you to generate a file that contains varying levels of information about how the Gateway is functioning, as well as specify the path name for the Gateway’s temp files. Use the Trace utility with discretion because the trace file can quickly grow very large.


The Test tab provides three different tests you can use to verify that the Lotus Notes Gateway’s various elements are working.

Use these tests to validate the Notes Gateway’s sub-components before implementing the Gateway as a whole.

The FaxPress SMTP Gateway test utilities allow you to:

confirm connectivity between the Notes Gateway and the FaxPress.
make sure that the Gateway can send outgoing faxes
make sure the Gateway can send email notification.

FaxPress Connectivity – checks the communication status with each of the FaxPress servers configured for SMTP Gateway use.

To run this test, click on the Test Connectivity button.

The Configuration utility will confirm it can log on to the FaxPress using the configured supervisor user and password.

Once the FaxPress is checked, the FaxPress Server Connectivity Test Results dialog box will display the FaxPress’s status. Click OK.

FaxPress Outgoing Fax – the next test verifies that the SMTP Gateway can send a fax out through a FaxPress server. This test is only available if the SMTP Gateway is running. The Configurator asks the Gateway to send the test fax. In this way you are truly testing whether the Gateway is or is not successfully able to send a fax out via FaxPress. This test can help isolate a problem with outbound faxes. For example, if the FaxPress Outgoing Fax test succeeds, yet your fax mail senders are unable to send faxes out through the Gateway, it is likely that your email system is not delivering the email to the Gateway in the first place.

The FaxPress Outgoing Fax test section requires you to fill in the following fields:

FaxPress Server – from the drop down list, select the FaxPress server you want to use to send the fax.

FaxPress User – enter the FaxPress user’s name whose account you want to use to send the fax. The name you enter must be the same as on the user’s FaxPress mailbox.

Password – enter the password corresponding to the user you entered above.

Recipient Name – enter a name for the test fax recipient. This name will appear on the cover sheet.

Fax Number – enter the recipient’s complete fax number including the digits required to get an outside line.

Fax Attachment – (optional) use to attach a file to the test fax. Click the Fax Attachment text box Browse button and select a file to send. The file must be a native format FaxPress supports. The FaxPress SMTP Gateway workstation must also be configured to handle native attachments. You may also select a DCX or PCX file.

Click Test Fax to send the fax. The FaxPress SMTP Gateway will send the fax to the FaxPress server; the FaxPress server will send the fax to the recipient. You may have to wait several minutes for the Gateway to finish sending the test fax.

A message will appear notifying you of the success or failure of the attempt. Click OK.

Email Connectivity – verifies that the SMTP Gateway can send notification to email clients through the configured SMTP server. This test is also only available if the SMTP Gateway is running.

To run this test, fill in these fields:

Recipient Name – fill in the name of the person to whom you are sending the test email.

Email Address – enter the email address of the test email recipient.

Click the Test Email button. You may have to wait several minutes for the Gateway to finish sending the test email.

A message will appear notifying you of the success or failure of the attempt. Click OK.


FaxPress WebHelp
Last Updated: 9/12/2007

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